It’s not you…

Vatsala Jha
2 min readOct 2, 2020

Have you ever laughed so hard and then suddenly realise this won’t last and in the fear of jinxing it, your worry covers you up?

If you have, then don’t bother you’re not the only one out there. We often end up in our own negativity but is this actually ours or have we adapted it from our surroundings?

If we think from the scratch then what are we born with? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. We grow up and are moulded into different personalities depending on our surroundings and upbringing. We adapt what we see from the beginning. It’s not that you grow up either as a good or bad person. But we nurture one of the two. We are then filled with all sorts of emotions be it optimism, patience, enviousness, fear, loneliness, anything or everything but it’s this one part of our subconsciousness is so dominant.

Do you hear a voice continuously shouting out loud you’ll blow it up whenever you’re walking towards a podium or suddenly your auditory perception increases when you don’t exactly want to hear the bashing but so do it anyways.

Take a moment today and ask yourself what have I done for myself today not academically or through anything that I had learned but what I did as a genuine person for myself generally. Was I there for myself boosting in whispers when those voices in my head were about to crush me or did I collected myself bravely and walked out of that room where I wasn’t anything more than a gossip material? Have I recently seen a sunrise or a sunset and felt that breeze or since I’m staying up late have I went to my balcony or backyard and just looked at the sky seeing stars and feeling that winter’s sure near.

We read, watch and talk; millions of things out but why are there so many buts in life. Take a break. Do whatever you want to do. You are not that voice in your head but sure are that whisper who says it’s all going to be fine. Trust your instincts and boost yourself up. There’s not a better story to be heroic in better than yours own. Be your own hero don’t let your inner demons crush you because you’ll find enough out in the world but the one friend you’ll find is you.



Vatsala Jha

Corporate lawyer, who happens to be a writer ever since... The girl who loves to read, write and react.